Thursday, March 23, 2023

Minor Post #1 by Yiyan Pan

The entanglement of consumer culture and feminism reminds me of an article I came across several months ago: Stella Qiu and Christian Shepherd’s “In China, Retailers Cash in on ‘she’ Economy for Women’s Day.” ( 

The author talks about a trend that is called “she economy” in China in recent years. According to this article, sales campaigns that aim to promote women shoppers by equating it to "giving life to women-power" actually depoliticize women and limit opportunities for women's rights activists. I’m curious: if talking about postfeminism, it seems we should locate it in the development of different waves of feminism in western context. However, the relationship between feminism and neoliberalism is still relevant in other parts of the world, including in countries where feminism is not that mature. How should we consider postfeminism in these global contexts?

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