Thursday, April 27, 2023

Anushka Kartha Minor Post 4

With the impending Writers Strike less than a week away, here are some possible non-scripted shows that I think will have some sort of an audience, if highly niche: 

1.    The Tumblr Fandom Face-Off: Bring on the SuperWhoLock girlies for an ultimate test of fandom, commitment and shitposting. Fandoms compete against each other until the final contestants must fight The Rest Of Tumblr. 

2. The Barbie Dreamhouse Builder: Sponsored by Mattel, of course, and in conjunction with Warner Bros and Greta Gerwig. It is a home improvement show. Turn your boring old ugly plain unspecific house into the Barbie Dreamhouse of your…dreams!

3. The Other Glee Project: Please follow a high school Glee club around. That’s it, that’s the show. The theatre kids will do the rest.

4. Infomercial Stars: We hire up and coming actors on auditions to be part of PRANK AUDITIONS! While trying out to be the next big face of American infomercials, actors are asked to not only sell but wholeheartedly believe in absurd, made-up products. It’s not mean because they actually end up on TV and get their big break! Win-win!

5. Bring back the Disney Channel Games. 

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