Thursday, April 27, 2023

Comment #5

Here is my follow up post on BEEF episode 2. I love how second episode picks up right where we left off. In the previous episode, we end with Amy reciting Danny's license plate numbers out loud for her to remember. Episode 2 starts with her slamming her front door, still furious by the circumstance and situation at hand. From a production stand point, I also love a lot of the smooth dolly movements that match Amy and Danny's coverage; they are framed very similarly despite the vast differences in their life. The virtual, screen war feelings very refreshing in life: who they are in person versus who we perceive them to be online whether it's a clean, compact and steady construction profile or a fake instagram account. Perception versus reality is really at play in this series in a very comical yet dark way which I appreciate and have found entertaining. 

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