Thursday, April 20, 2023

Minor Post #2 FT

TA'ing for TV Symposium and hearing people working within the industry currently, I have gathered a generally contradictory energy. A sort of slightly enthusiastic but still portentous view of the future of television. Streaming appears to be continuing to peak despite splinters, but mirrored by some reactions at the Disney franchises citing a dying enthusiasm, there is an anxiety present that part of this process is reaching its conclusion. Television for a period in the 10's, I would say seemed to have survived the emergence of social media, remaining relevance, but the past couple years,  there has been a more drastic shift in consumption of media that hasn't managed to fully penetrate into the televisual sphere, but seems more and more likely to do so. People commonly claim that with more streaming services emerging the current state of affairs is not too far off from network, but even at the start of Netflix's streaming, there was an attachment to form that I think has only just begun to be dismantled. 

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