Thursday, April 27, 2023

Minor Post #5.5 or possibly just 5 because I’m not sure there was ever a #4

I have one follow-up thought about reality dating TV since I previously expressed doubts about my intentions to continue watching such shows. One thing that stuck out to me apart from the fact that everyone was so dressed up throughout the entirety of the show, and maybe this stuck out to me precisely because it’s a blind dating show, was the gender expression seen throughout. I’m sure this observation could be situated in the post-feminism discussions from earlier in the semester, but it’s past my bedtime so I’ll keep this short. I found it interesting how hyper-feminine presenting ALL the female participants were. It made me think back to that trad woman blog we saw in class. The show is definitely pushing a very specific version of sex and gender roles as they translate to the ideals of a successful heterosexual marriage. All of that to say that my ACTUAL favorite part of the season was the trailer at the end of the final reunion episode. The trailer was for a forthcoming show called Ultimatum: Queer Love. I will definitely be tuning in for that kind of reality television gold. Goodnight! 


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